New for Nineteen
There are countless blog posts around the world that document everyone’s resolutions and goals for the year. This post is a starting point for me to blog again and also to share a few details about my life currently, including some of my high-level goals for 2019.
Ready to Blog Again
If you’ve read my blog before, you likely know that I’ve been blogging since 2012. You can read details about my blogging journey here. In 2017, I decided to change things up and created All the Ambience to share ideas and inspiration for style and self-care. Those topics are still the focus of my blog, but I really want to write and publish more consistently this year.
In previous years, I gave more than I had to give (to blogging) and reached a major blogger burnout. For most of 2018, I didn’t post on my blog or on any of my social pages. It was a really nice break and felt great to be rid of the pressure that a blogger/influencer can feel. But, with some recent life changes and a refreshed drive, I feel ready to blog again.
All the Ambience focuses on style and self-care, and a part of self-care includes being realistic with yourself. Setting attainable goals and taking things one day at a time. My high-level goals for this year are very much attainable…
2019 Goals
Write consistent blog posts
There was a time when I wanted to post every day, and then there was a time I wanted to post 3-4 times per week. There were weeks and months when that happened, but not always. Due to my responsibilities, I know it’s more realistic to commit to one blog post per week. I’ve already mapped out posts for the rest of the month and February, and I’m looking forward to getting back to something I’ve enjoyed and been passionate about for most of my 20s.
Even though I’ve been away from the post publishing scene for a while, I still went on Instagram (pretty much daily!) and also checked out the blogs of my favorites. It’s fascinating to see the growth and success of those who have made their web presence a career, and it’s refreshing to come across a newly favored blogger or influencer. My passion to blog and post on social comes not only from a love of the creative, but also because it’s cool to be part of this community. I constantly find inspiration for style, decor, fitness and recipes, and I look forward to sharing in the inspiration!

Decorate My New Home
At the end of 2018, David and I moved into a new place together. We still live in St. Charles (actually only a couple of miles away from my parents), but because we’ve been sharing our lives together for nearly 3 years, we wanted to share a home together, too!
Our apartment is nice and in a really beautiful community. It’s a 2-bedroom/2-bathroom home, with lots of living space and windows to let in plenty of natural light. I function best in an open and organized space, and my decor style is reflective of that. I’ll share some images of our home in future posts, but I can say that my decorating taste is clean and modern, but also glam-luxe mixed with Scandinavian influence. I know— it sounds weird written down, but the end results are worthhhhh it and I’m excited to have this project. Below are some of the furniture and decor pieces in my home and also ones I have my eyes on…
Nurture a Healthier Lifestyle
(To be honest, who doesn’t make this a goal, like all the time like every year?)
Mindful Eating
This is a typical goal, but I am determined to get into a groove that’s dedicated to mindful eating. I won’t cut out sweet treats or the occasional cocktail/glass of wine, but I do realize I could cleanup my diet and make that cleanup a way of life, and not just a trend for the day or week.
Interestingly, my daughter Alena has decided to be a vegetarian and at exactly 2-weeks into the new year, she has maintained this “resolution.” Alena is only 12 so I’m not crazy about her shaking up her diet by being a vegetarian, but I don’t want to obstruct her resolve. As the main one in charge of her meals, it has been a little challenging (and it’s like — I may as well be a vegetarian, too!) but so far it’s working. When we go out to eat, she carefully chooses her entrees and she now enjoys coming to the grocery store to select food that sustains her diet. If you’re curious, Trader Joe’s is a great spot to find meatless protein substitutes! Alena is a fan of the meatless meatballs, the chicken-less chicken tenders and the bean-based protein burgers.
Since we just moved on December 1st, there are so many things we still need. I have to figure out cookware asap! Trying to cleanup my diet but not having all the necessary pots & pans to make more meals at home has been a challenge.
Do you have any cookware recommendations? I’m looking for “green” ones that are safe to cook with and don’t leak toxins into food.

Workout Regularly
Aside from eating more mindfully, I’d also like to workout more regularly. My new community has an indoor pool and private, 24-hour fully-equipped gym. Despite having the means to stay fit all within walking distance, I have not found my fitness routine. While it’s cold, it’s so convenient to workout indoors, so I hope I get my rear in gear soon! When it warms up, I’d like to go on runs again. In 2017, I went out on runs 3-4 times a week. That was also the year I landed my first teaching job, and I let my fitness goals fall by the wayside. Unfortunately, 2018 was no better. It’s OK though, to start working out regularly, all it takes is getting starting… and I will.
Life is busy. There are family obligations, social commitments, self-growth goals, add in work and 20 other things, and there isn’t much time left to be present.
I constantly find myself running around and have had plenty of aha moments or rather, aww moments when I realize that all the hustle and bustle means the days fly by so fast. I’m nearing 30, and I want to be able to enjoy my years ahead. I want to make simple memories that I recall because my head and my heart were present. Truly, I’m a type-A personality that always thinks and plans ahead, but I will strive to focus on the important parts of life that can be missed when they’re replaced with the run around.
Taking the time to breathe and enjoy the simple moments ties back to taking things one day at a time.
Living with David will be a refreshing change to breathe because instead of taking our separate lives and trying to mesh them together, we both share a unified household and have a greater understanding of our responsibilities.
How do you manage your time and ensure you’re present for the simple moments?
What are you focusing on this new year?

Amber is a Chicago-area creative who loves writing, shopping, designing, feeling good + looking good + living good!
Click here for more about Amber.